Sr. No. Provision Name
1. The Vice-Chancellor

Prof. Rakesh Kumar Mudgal,



2. The Deans of faculties

Dr. R. K. Sharma

Dr. C. D. Lokhande



3. Two professors other than Principal from each college nominated by the Vice-Chancellor

1. Dr. Salim Lad, Prof. & Head, Ortho

2. Prof. Mohan K., Prof. & Head, Dept. of Biotechnology

4. Two experts not connected with the university nominated by the Vice-Chancellor

  1. Prof. Dr. N. K. Tyagi,  Head of the Department Biostatistics, KLE University, JNMC Campus, Nehru Nagar, BELAGAVI – 590 010. Karnataka, India
  2. Dr. K. D. Sonawane, Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Shivaji University, Vidyanagar,
    Kolhapur- 416 004, Maharashtra, India
5. Dr. V. V. Bhosale, Registrar Member-Secretary