Master In Physiotherapy (M.P.Th.)

The Master of Physiotherapy (specialty) Programme is directed towards rendering competency in knowledge, skills and research related to advance physiotherapeutic skills especially related to speciality clinical fields to enhance professional Physiotherapy Practice, Education and Research, in line with global standards.

Duration: 2 years

Annual intake: 3 per speciality

Syllabus :View Syllabus


  • He/she has passed the Bachelor of Physiotherapy recognized by any Indian University (except distance education and Agriculture University) with pass marks (50%).

  • He/she has to furnish at the time of submission of application form, a certificate of physical fitness from a registered medical practitioner.

  • Admission to Master of Physiotherapy course shall be made as per the rules by the competent authority. Entrance test will be conducted as per the rules by competent authority.

Speciality in M.P.Th.

  • Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy

  • Orthopedic Manual Therapy

  • Neuro Physiotherapy

  • Cardio –vascular & Respiratory Physiotherapy

  • Community Physiotherapy

  • Sports Physiotherapy

Objectives: At the completion of this course, the student should be able to -

  1. Do physical therapy diagnoses using a frame work of ICF that is to identify the impairment of body structure, body function, environmental and personal factors and to address the activity limitations and participations restrictions?

  2. Execute all routine physiotherapeutic procedures with clinical reasoning & evidence based practice.

  3. Be a prominent member of the multidisciplinary team and treat all the conditions which need physiotherapeutic procedures.

  4. Provide adequate knowledge about the treatment procedures and their benefits.

  5. Perform independent physiotherapy assessment and treatment for patients.

  6. Plan and implement need based physiotherapy interventions for all clinical conditions related to respective speciality in acute, chronic cases, critical care, independent practice including health promotion and prevention.

  7. Practice in his / her specialty area with advanced knowledge and skills.

  8. Take up physiotherapy teaching assignments under supervision for undergraduate teaching programme.

  9. Prepare project proposal with selected research design and interpret the evaluated outcome measures (using sound data processing techniques and statistical methods).

Graduate Attributes And Programm Outcome

  1. Graduate Attributes: Medical and Scientific knowledge

    PO1: Ability to acquire in-depth knowledge of structure and function of human body related to respective branch of specialty and application of advanced intervention with physiotherapeutic skills.

  2. Graduate Attributes: Patient care and problem solving abilities

    PO2: Plan implement and demonstrate clinical based physiotherapy interventions for all clinical conditions related to respective specialty in acute, chronic cases, critical care, independent practice and select appropriate outcome measures including health promotion and prevention.

  3. Graduate attributes: Communication skills

    PO3: Develop and expand effective interpersonal and intrapersonal communication skill, self confidence and understand the barriers for effective communication and learning.

  4. Graduate attributes: Research aptitude

    PO4: Extend the ability acquired knowledge to conduct research activities, perform independent research of different specialty and help to contribute treatment planning of the patients for betterment of society.

  5. Graduate attributes: Professional excellence and responsibility

    PO5: Understand moral value, professional ethics, accountability, support diversity and equity towards patient and colleagues. Develop good behavioral skills with confidentiality and humanitarian approach, maintaining the respect and privacy of patient and follow the ethical code of conduct.

  6. Graduate attributes: Leader and member of health care team & system.

    PO6: Develop self discipline and be a prominent member of multidisciplinary team and treat all the conditions which need physiotherapeutic skills. Develop leadership skills, time management, logical reasoning, and values in creating awareness, using newer technology, at various communities for health care and professional awareness.

  7. Graduate attributes: Societal Responsibilities.

    PO7: Understanding about society’s and patients needs in terms of functions, health and wellness, to improve multicultural competency among professional and general public. Develop knowledge about impact of physiotherapy skills on society and a character with good moral values, human values, good social behavior, gratitude, ethics, responsibility, confidence and critical thinking.

  8. Graduate attributes: Awareness towards sustainability and environment

    PO8: Able to contribute in sustainable development to achieve the globally sustainable development goal, ability to conserve natural resources and protect global eco system to support health and well being. Ensure healthy life and promote wellbeing for all ages.

  9. Graduate attributes: Lifelong learner

    PO9: Demonstrate ability to acquire new knowledge skill and reflect upon their experience to enhance self awareness, personal development, professional growth and implement the information for patient care.

Course Outcome

Research Methodology and Biostatistics

CO1: Ability to acquire knowledge of research methodology in terms of types research study design, bias, sampling design, measurements, outcome measures, research methods, evaluating evidence, evaluating published research, and use of clinical pathways, clinical practice.

CO2: Acquire the knowledge about statistics, measuring variability, comparison of group, analysis of variance, multiple comparison tests, correlation, non-parametric tests, regression, analysis of frequency, statistical measure of reliability, power analysis, and epidemiological measures.

CO3:Able to write and document research papers, books, thesis, role of author, structure, style and contents, style manual, different steps in report writing, preparing abstract significance of report writing.

Basic Sciences and Physiotherapeutic Paper – II

CO1: Understand normal and applied biomechanics of tissues, structure of body system, applied and altered physiology of function in body system, clinical kinesiology of gait and posture, ergonomics approach, work space, environmental modification, movement analysis, laboratory evaluation of kinetics and kinematics, neurophysiology of pain, mechanism and processing of pain and intervention of pain.

CO2: Acquire and gain the knowledge of energy transfer and expenditure response and adaptations of various system to exercise and training, environmental in influence, body composition, nutrition & caloric balance, physiological variations with exercise & training, exercise programming fatigue assessment and management, sports medicine, nutritional requirements and supplementation in various diseases, benefits of exercise in various diseases

CO3:Acquire the knowledge in clinical decision making neuromuscular electrical stimulation muscles plasticity, electrical stimulation muscles plasticity, electrophysiolgical testing and clinical interpretation, EMG, biofeedback.

Advance Physiotherapeutic and evidence based practice Paper – III

CO1: Ability to perform & clinical examination in general and detection of movement dysfunction, principles of pathological investigation and imaging technique with interpretation, Evaluation methods, special test in various disorders, motor control assessment, Anthropometric measurements physical disability evaluation of gait and posture.

CO2: Ability to gain the knowledge about assessment and management of pain, geriatrics health investigations, screening for referral in physiotherapy, differential diagnosis, decision making, physical assessment of screening tool, introduction to interviewing process, ICF, assessing functioning and quality of life.

CO3:Ability to acquire knowledge about steps in evidence based practice, performing a literature search critical appraisal, shared decision making, liking evidence to practice.

CO4:Ability to acquire knowledge about maternal and child care in physiotherapy various neurological approaches, pharmacodynamic advanced theories and application of exercises, advanced electrotherapeutic modalities, ergonomics, manual therapy techniques, stress management, onco rehabilitation, disaster management, Yoga, obstetrics and gynecological disorders, cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation, community physiotherapy