Code of Conduct

For Student

Student Rights:

The University represents an academic environment conducive to learning by all stakeholders who participate in the creation and sustainability of that ambience. Students entering the University programs may be assured of our commitment to principles of all education providers and fidelity to the Vision & Mission as presented on the website.

We aver that:

  • Students have a right to all information that would enable them to acquire, retain and build on academic inputs of acceptable standards. The training and teaching in all courses and programs will be aimed at equipping students to fulfil their roles as trained graduates/professionals in their relevant workplaces.
  • Students will receive a fair and transparent hearing on matters related to assessment, evaluation, and examination. Their records will be made available as per regulations with full respect to the needs of privacy and confidentiality.
  • No discrimination on basis of caste, class, creed, language, religion, or other social determinants will be made or tolerated on campus.
    Students have the right to represent to the appropriate authorities in the event of any complaint.
  • The University follows a zero-tolerance policy on ragging and any form of sexual harassment. The regulations of the UGC pertaining to these will be followed.
  • No student shall suffer discrimination or any disadvantage for providing honest feedback, stating, or presenting a grievance or complaint.

Student Responsibilities

Students are expected to familiarize themselves to this code and strictly behave in accordance with the directives laid down. If a student disagrees with any of the following provisions, they may represent their point of view in a reasonable and peaceful manner with the University authorities.

General Guidelines:

Students violating this Code are deserving of penalty which could range from a reprimand to expulsion from university. Students aiding and abetting such violators are also held responsible and hence deserving of suitable punishment as may be decided by appropriate authorities.

Parents/Guardians may/will be notified in the event of any Code violation by their wards. The personal visit of the parents may be desired in severe violation cases. In addition, poor attendance or poor academic performance may also cause parents to be informed.

In the event of formal disciplinary proceedings, records (minutes) of the proceedings will be maintained by the committee. These will be kept confidential. However, they may be shared with concerned University Officials, parents, or other authorities if the situation demands.

Office bearers of the Student Councils are particularly expected to abide by the Code and any violation on their part will be viewed seriously.

Equality of all students with respect to castes, class, creed, religion, and sociocultural nuances is to be always followed

 Student Behavior:

Students are expected to behave in a manner aligned with an academic surrounding and purpose. Respect, courtesy, and proper language are always expected from students.

Inappropriate language, non-verbal gestures or other expressions with other students, parents, faculty, staff, or any other stakeholders within university premises/campus is punishable.

Dress Code must be appropriate for the place, persons, culture and should respect the social norms of the local population. Modesty, grooming, cleanliness, and hygiene are to be kept foremost while dressing. Footwear must be appropriate with closed shoes or sandals worn to university.

Gender appropriate behavior that is acceptable within the local practices and customs must be adhered to.

Punctuality is always valued. Students will arrive in time for the first teaching-learning session and will remain in college till the end of the working da. If the student must leave in the middle of a working day, he/she is expected to inform the concerned Head of Department/College, take written permission to leave and only then depart.

Those students using the free transport provided must be considerate to other co-passengers and their time schedules too.

All students must wear their identity cards around their neck on entering the campus. They may be asked to show their ID cards at any time. The ID card will serve as identification to enter the Library and Reading Room as well.

Within campus, students are not to be seen loitering in the corridors even if teaching session is not going on. The Library, Reading Room or even the games rooms may be utilized.

Littering and creating a mess within campus is a violation of the Code. Under the Swachh Bharat campaign and the societal expectations from educated youth, your assistance in ensuring a clean and green campus is expected.

Any form of tobacco use is prohibited on campus. It is a no smoking zone. Consumption of alcohol or having alcohol on your person or bags within campus will be viewed strictly. Content of obscene nature will not be tolerated and both providers and viewers will be equally dealt with.

Discipline within class must be maintained. Use of Phones, Musical instruments, cameras, etc. within class are to be always avoided unless prior permission has been taken viz. social gatherings, events etc. No food, beverages etc. are to be brought to class. Decibel levels in class and in laboratories must be such that they do not disturb other classes and are not audible outside the rooms.

Outside campus, students always represent the university. Hence behavior outside the campus should be acceptable and within tenets of social norms.

Student is expected to cooperate with any official enquiry or investigation. In such situations, untruths, hiding facts or obstructing the cause of justice will be dealt with severely.

Academic Responsibilities

Students must take responsibility for his/her academic performance and progress.  Principles of Andragogy (adult learning) must be understood and followed. Expectations from teachers towards students’ own learning will be within the principles.

Students need to have prescribed attendance as per the norms of the Statutory Body. Students in those programs which come directly under the University, minimum required attendance to recognize the Semester/Year and appear for university examinations is 80%.

Responsibility for procuring and maintaining the journals, logbooks etc., lies with the student. Keeping safe your books, stationery, personal effects is also the responsibility of the owner of the items.

Each student will be assigned a mentor under the University Moral Guidance Scheme. It is the students’ responsibility to make the best use of this opportunity and attend all the mentor-mentee meetings as scheduled.

The medium of instruction is English. All communication within campus should advisably be in English to improve language skills.

Integrity of the student must be maintained throughout the program. Cheating, Use of unfair means, Plagiarism, falsifying attendance, changing answer sheets or other records, accessing private or personal documents and similar acts will be punishable as per regulations. Students are urged to read the following documents for greater details

University/colleges will take feedback on multiple occasions on curricular, academic, infrastructure, examinations, and other aspects. As a responsible stakeholder who is a major beneficiary of any educational system, students are expected to respond to the feedback in an honest, timely manner.

Administrative Responsibilities:

In case of illness,

  • Students must report to the Medicine OPD or Casualty of the Dr D Y Patil Medical College Hospital & Research Institute for immediate attention.
  • Hostel students are advised to keep the warden informed of illness.
  • Leave application must be submitted to the Head of Department, Associate Dean Academics or Head of Institution at the earliest possible
  • In the event of illnesses that may put others at harm, students are expected to inform the hostel warden AND the Head of Department/College of the same.
  • In the event of illnesses which may put the student himself/herself at risk or are likely to be life-threatening, prior information MUST be given to Head of Institution at time of admission or whenever earliest possible.
  • Any challenge in receiving assistance or needing additional support can be communicated to the Associate Dean of Students Welfare or your assigned Mentor.
  • Any student who claims sickness and is treated outside university facilities must produce a proper Sickness Certificate justifying missing classes, examination, or any other activity. Accepting such a certificate is at the discretion of the authorities.


  • Students must abide by the hostel regulations.
  • Any complaints/suggestions about food, hostel maintenance, services are to be conveyed to the Hostel Committee via the Student Representative.
  • Hostel-ites are responsible for the use of their rooms by co-learners, guests, or friends.
  • It is important to ensure that access to your rooms is restricted to trustworthy persons. Whenever a student leaves the hostel, he/she should ensure the room is secure.
  • Use of hostel premises to indulge in tobacco or alcohol consumption, use of illegal substances or view illegal material in any form, gambling, etc., will be considered violation of Code.
  • Use of devices like irons, heaters, A/C, etc. in the rooms can only be allowed if permitted by authorities in writing.

During community postings, field visits, camps, or activities,

  • Students must always remain in communication with the supervising faculty or staff.
  • Students are to follow the instructions given to them by the supervisors.
  • Personal safety of student, dignity of the university and consideration for the local population must be paramount.

Plagiarism-check on submissions, publication content, research work or theses is responsibility of the student. University Plagiarism check will be done to ensure that minimum standards as per UGC or Statutory bodies is met.

Use of personal vehicles to come to college/university is at the personal risk of the student. University is not responsible for the safety of the vehicle on campus. Use of provided transport wherever possible is encouraged.

Major Offences against persons/property

Damage, unauthorized use, inappropriate use or mishandling of university property is punishable violation of the Code. Attempts to break-in, gain access to unauthorized areas or sections, misuse of access tools will be viewed seriously.

In the event of any altercation with persons outside the university, student is solely responsible for any legal or official outcomes. However, the university will attempt to assist the student to the extent possible.

Damage to property or persons outside university, apart from university-organized events is the responsibility of the student alone. Even in university organized events, students are expected to conform to behavior suitable to their academic pursuits and follow instructions and advice given to all other students.

Ragging of students within or outside campus is a punishable offence. All students are strongly urged to read the UGC regulations on ragging and the punishments advised in the document. []; .

Sexual misconduct as defined in the UGC Regulations of 2016 will be applied to determining the veracity and validity of any complaint brought to the notice of university authorities and for consideration of any punishment if applicable.

Disciplinary Matters

As mentioned above, zero tolerance for ragging and sexual misconduct is maintained.

Disciplinary authority is given to the Hostel Warden for hostelites, faculty, heads of institutions and university officers within the regulations of the university, statutory bodies and or UGC.

However, serious offences will be referred to the Students Grievances Redressal Committee, Internal Complaints Committee, Anti-Ragging Committee or the Unfair Means Committee or Enquiry Committee constituted for the purpose.

Violation of Code of Conduct by an individual or a group can be referred to any of the above committees based on the facts of the situation.

In case of any queries, you may contact the Registrar of the University in the University Office on any working day between 10.00 am and 5.30 pm.

For Faculty (R47)
  1. The teacher shall be available to the college for prescribed working hours and shall serve in such capacity and at such place, as he may, from time to time, be so directed.
  2. The teacher shall conform to and abide by the provisions of the Memorandum of Association, Rules. The teacher shall also observe, comply with and obey all orders and instructions which may, from time to time be given to him by the Vice-Chancellor and/or Board of Management
  3. The teacher shall, at all-time maintain absolute integrity, show devotion to his profession and shall do nothing which is unbecoming of a teacher.
  4. The teacher shall extend utmost courtesy and attention to all persons with whom he has to deal in the sphere of his duties. He shall strive hard to promote the interest of the University.
  5. The teacher shall not, without the express sanction of the competent authority, ask for or accept contribution to or otherwise associate himself with the raising of funds or other collections in cash or otherwise for his own benefit.
  6. The teacher shall not accept or permit any member of his family or any person on his behalf to accept any gift in cash or in kind for his own benefit from any person inducing another teacher or employee for a work to be done in connection with the business of the University.
    1. The teacher shall seek prior permission of the competent authority before applying for job, post or scholarship outside the University
    2. The teacher shall seek prior permission of the competent authority before applying for any course of study leading to diploma, degree, certificate, etc. and shall not enter upon a course of studies or appear for any examination conducted by the University or other bodies, without such permission.
  7. The teacher shall not, without prior permission of the competent authority, absent himself from his duties. In the circumstances or reasons beyond his control, he shall intimate or cause to intimate to competent authority within five days from the first date of absence, failing which the absence may be treated as leave without pay.
    1. The teacher or any of his family members shall neither bid directly or indirectly, at any auction of any property of the University nor submit any tender for any supply to the University.
    2. The teacher or his family members shall not use the property of the University including the residential accommodation for conducting any trade or business, coaching classes, private practice, tuition, occupation or for any other purpose.
    3. The full-time teacher shall not engage himself in private practice or any trade, business or any other occupation during working hours which is not part of his duties as prescribed under these Rules.
  8. The teacher shall not engage himself in conducting private coaching classes or tuition, guidance imparting instructions leading to any certificate, diploma or degree courses.
  9. The teacher shall not write guides, notes for circulation and question and answers etc.
  10. The teacher shall not contest any election without prior permission.
For Administrative and Non-Administrative Staff (R 191 )
  1. The employee shall be at the disposal of the University for full-time and shall serve in such capacity and at such place, as he may from time to time, be so directed.
  2. The employee shall conform to and abide by the provisions of these Rules and directives and decisions of the competent authority. The employee shall also observe, comply with and obey all the orders and instructions which may, from time to time, be given to him by the officer under whose jurisdiction, superintendence or control, he has been placed, for the time being.
  3. The employee shall at all time maintain absolute integrity, show devotion to duty and shall do nothing which is unbecoming of an employee. He shall ensure the integrity and devotion to duty of all employees under his control and authority for the time being.
  4. The employee shall extend utmost courtesy and attention to all persons with whom he has to deal in the sphere of his duties. He shall strive hard to promote the interest of the University and/or its colleges.
  5. The employee shall not , in the discharge of the official duties, deal with any matter relating to award of any contract in favour of a company, firm or any other body or person in which he or any member of his family is interested, except with a prior permission of the competent authority. After such a permission is granted, the employee shall refrain himself from extending any undue advantages or benefits to such company, firm or body, as the case may be.
    1. The employee shall not, except in accordance with any general or special orders of the competent authority or in performance of his duties and in good faith, communicate or cause to communicate directly or indirectly any official document or any part thereof or information to any person, within the University, and/or colleges or to an outsider, to whom he is not authorised to communicate such document and information, or shall not himself make any use thereof.
    2. The employee shall not contribute to the media any matter connected with the University and/or its colleges without obtaining a previous sanction of the competent authority or shall not, without such sanction, make use of any document, paper or information, which may have come in his possession in his official capacity. He shall also not try to obtain unauthorisely any information, document, paper which may not come in his possession in his official capacity, in order to make any use thereof.
    3. The employee shall not air or vent his personal grievances or any matter related to his service through the media or through any mode other than those as may be provided by or under these Rules.
  6. The employee shall not, directly or indirectly, take part in any activity or demonstration or movement which is considered by the competent authority to be prejudicial to the academic and administrative interests of the University or bring the University in disrepute.The employee shall not be a member of or be otherwise associated with any political party or any organization which takes part in politics, nor shall he take part in or subscribe in aid of or assist in any other manner, any political movement or activity.
  7. The employee shall not, without the express sanction of the competent authority, ask for or accept contribution to or otherwise associate himself with the raising of funds or other collections in cash or otherwise for his own benefit.
  8. The employee shall not accept or permit any member of his family to accept any gift in cash or in kind for his own benefit from any person including another employee for a work to be done in connection with the business of the University.Explanation: The expression "gift" includes free transport, boarding,lodging or other service or any other pecuniary advantage when provided by any person other than a near relative or personalfriend having no official dealings with the employee.
  9. The employee shall not accept lavish hospitality or frequent hospitality from any individual having official dealings with him or from industrial or commercial firms, organizations, or any similar bodies.
  10. The employee shall not, except with the previous sanction of the competent authority, accept or seek any outside office, stipendiary or honorary work. He shall not engage in any trade, business or canvass support of any commercial or insurance activity owned or managed by any member of his family except co-operative consumers, housing or credit societies.
  11. The employee shall intimate to the competent authority, if any member of his family is engaged in any trade or business or owns or manages an insurance agency or commission agency in the possible event of a conflict of interest with performance of his official duties or university functioning.
    1. The employee shall seek a prior permission of the competent authority before applying for job, post, outside the University, as the case may be.
    2. The employee shall seek a prior permission of the competent authority before applying for any course of study leading to diploma, degree, certificate, etc. and shall not enter upon a course of studies or appear any examination conducted by the University or other bodies, without such a permission.
    3. Provided that, this provision shall not be applicable to the honorary work of special charitable nature, or literary, artistic or scientific in character, in duding T.V./Radio talk, without affecting the interest of university and his official duties.
  12. The employee shall not, without a prior permission of the competent authority, absent himself from his duties. In the circumstances or reasons beyond his control, he shall intimate or cause to intimate to competent authority within five days from the first date of absence, failing which the absence may be treated as leave without pay, and he shall further be liable to such disciplinary action as the competent authority may deem fit;
    Provided that, the competent authority may condone this condition in respect of an employee who for reason of his own physical state was unable to convey the cause of his absence.
    1. The employee or his relative shall neither bid directly or indirectly, at any auction of university property nor submit any tender for any supply to the university.
    2. The employee shall not use the university and/or its colleges property including the residential accommodation for conducting any trade or business, occupation or for any other purpose than that for which the same may or may not have been allotted to him or put to his charge.