The University has registered animal house under CPCSEA with registration No. 1800/PO/Ere/S/15/CPCSEA. Dt. 05.02.2015. In February 2017, the registration was upgraded for “Research for Education purpose and Breeding for in house use of small animals” with new registration no. 1800/PO/ReBi/S/15/CPCSEA dt. 22.06.2017. As per CPCSEA guidelines, certified animal technician Mr. Ajainkya Barale is working in animal House Technician who passed his certificate course from “National Institute of Nutrition”, Hyderabad.
Currently, animal house functions are overseen and approved by IAEC supervision with Chairperson Dr. Mrs. Ashalata D. Patil and main Nominee Dr. John Intru Disouza appointed by S. Gowri Shankar, Deputy Secretary (AW) & Member Secretary (CPCSEA).
Every six monthly the meeting is convened where protocols regarding research on small animals are scrutinized. Up till now 14 protocols have been sanctioned by the committee.
Yearly inspection of animal house is done by main nominee and report is submitted on the website of CPCSEA.