Advanced Skills Lab serves as a prototype demonstration and learning facility for health care providers so that they develop desired competencies. Skills Lab is equipped with various skill stations as per the skill requirements for various cadres of the health care providers. Our labs have an edge over other didactic methods by providing the opportunity for repetitive skill practice, simulating clinical scenarios under the supervision of a qualified trainer
- To increase awareness among the students in the field of advanced skills competencies.
- For providing practical knowledge as a demonstration in the institutional set up itself without any barrier.
- To facilitates acquisition / reinforcement of key standardized technical skills and knowledge
- To ensures the availability of skilled personnel at health facilities.
- To improves the quality of pre service training
- To provides Continuing Nursing Education / Continuing Medical Education
Advance Skill Laboratory Protocol:
- All Students should participate in lab orientation conducted by skill Lab in-charge.
- Students should review procedures and scenarios prior to the lab session.
- Follow lab hours strictly as mentioned in the timetable.
- Students need to fill out their logbook as part of the completion of the curriculum requirement.
- No cell phones are allowed in the lab.
- No food or drink is allowed in the lab.
- No articles or supplies can be taken out of the lab without permission.
- Report any incidents or malfunctions to the Lab In-charge immediately.
- Do not move Models. If any Models needs to be move contact lab In-charge.
- Keep your belongings in the provided place during the lab session.
- Always sign in and out of the lab for both practice and presentation.