The world faces a twin challenge of global warming and reduced biodiversity. These need the contribution and participation of all citizens in efforts to combat these problems and find solutions. We believe and I quote Ms Margaret Mead who said, |
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
An educational institution owes a responsibility to society in two ways:
- Educating and creating awareness about the great challenge of global warming and emission-threat amongst students, staff and society
- Providing an example to the stakeholders by adopting measures that reduce carbon footprints and protect the environment.
To this end, the D. Y. Patil Education Society Deemed University has undertaken to contribute to environmental conservation, enhancement and to efforts to reduce overall carbon footprints. The motto of reuse, recycle and refuse forms the core of our efforts. Major efforts undertaken by the University are presented below:
Environmental Consciousness and Sustainability/Alternate Energy initiatives such as:
Renewal of Natural Resources:
- Sewage Treatment Plant
- Waste water recycling
- Solar energy – 4 unit on Hospital roof generate 100 KV for hospital use
- Biogas plants – 2 units
- Composting Pits
- Borewell / Open well recharge
- Rain water harvesting
Conservation of Energy & Natural Resources:
- Sensor-based lights
- Water Distribution system of gardens through Sprinkler system
- Shift to LED Bulbs – over 1000 LED bulbs installed
- Equipment is power-efficient: 4 – 5 star ACs installed
- Regular maintenance and repair of electrical and water systems to prevent wastage
- Battery Powered Vehicles (4) in campus
- Efforts to carbon neutrality – Landscaped campus & Tree Plantation initiatives
- All the lecture theatres, demonstration rooms and laboratories are naturally ventilated and illuminated saving on electricity usage
- Peon assigned to do check of all halls and rooms before closure of departments
- Display of educational boards at strategic points is done to further student and staff awareness
- LPG is used in Bio-Chemistry department laboratory and for cooking in the hostels and canteen which is carbon neutral
Environment Preservation and Damage Control:
- Ban on Plastics
- Disposal of Biowaste as per regulations
- Disposal of E-waste as per advisements & guidelines
- Strict Inventory control is exercised resulting in reduced waste
- E-governance encouraged to reduce use of paper in offices
- Swacchha Bharat – cleaning of villages, local schools In-house Radiology Kit is used to conduct six monthly safety check in the relevant areas of hospital as per the radiation safety policy of HQAC.
- Notices and signboards to educate and remind users to conserve water and electricity
- Hospital Quality Assurance Committee inspects campus and gardens regularly to ensure no water-collections or leaking taps
- Landscaped gardens at University campus and Hospital Grounds [separate campus]
- Green Audit conducted in 2017
- ‘Hospital Waste Management’ – training to interns and nurses at hospital [9th April]18]
- Pedestrian friendly pathways

Awards Achieved: –
D Y Patil Hospital Garden stand 1st in 53rd Flower Show & Garden Competitions organized by Gardens Club Kolhapur on 23rd, 24th and 25 December 2023.