Objectives of the Practice
- To create awareness about tree restoration among faculty and students.
- To sensitize and motivate the faculty and students towards the social responsibility of saving and planting trees.
- To reward the faculty and students for their initiatives regarding tree restoration.
The Context
Faced with the climate and biodiversity emergencies, the United Nations has declared 2021-2030 as the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. This has direct reference to sustainable environment. The goal is to ramp up efforts to reverse centuries of damage to forests, wetlands and other ecosystems. Getting it right will be the main focus for putting the planet back on a sustainable course.
Tree planting as a way to restore local ecosystems has already captured the imagination of many people. Trees are astonishing. They capture carbon from the atmosphere, protect and fertilize soils, supply firewood and timber, and harbor many of the planet’s animals, birds and insects. The cultural, spiritual and recreational role of forests makes them even essential for human well-being. Forests are an integral part of the culture and survival of the tribal and Adivasis.
Taking this in consideration, we launched “Green Graduation”: a novel sustainable environment project, where students will plant saplings on joining the university and will take care of those plants during their study tenure and thereafter.
The Practice
We organized an introductory lecture by faculty from D Y Patil College Of Agriculture, Talsande who guided our students on the need and importance of this drive, types of trees to be planted (shade bearing and fruit bearing). University then introduced the Green Graduate Programme and shared with students, the credits they will receive for planting and nurturing trees under these schemes.
Recruitment :
1. Google forms for participant registration
A video and an e-Poster was circulated on the Social media platforms (via whatsapp, facebook, instagram page) for encouraging the participation in the Green graduate campaign.
2. Registration for tree planting Oath
An online Google form was circulated among the faculties and students of D.Y.Patil University, Kolhapur for registration and taking an online oath stating that they wholeheartedly take this oath of planting a tree every year. As of now, more than 865 students and faculty have registered for the program and taken an oath to plant a tree during their tenure at the university.
3. Certificates for Oath
To reward the participants with a sense of achievement, e-certificate were awarded to all the participants after taking the oath.
4. Training, guidance and support
Students were advised on choice of trees (shade or fruit bearing) suited to their locale or region. They were given information regarding the life cycle, water requirement, nutrient needs and other important points regarding the tree of their choice. A QR code was issued to each student, which they can stick on the sapling cage so, any onlooker can use it to gather information about said tree.
5. Social Media Outreach and promotion
Another Google Form link was also circulated amongst the faculties and students, which was regarding sharing the picture for planting a tree. The title of the form was Plant a tree, become a INSTA Star for free!! Once the picture is shared by the participant, the picture was posted on the dedicated Instagram page- Green graduate. dypkolhapur to sensitize and attract the participants in registering and be the change to the world.
6. Alumni Network strengthened
By involving the Allumni of our University in this campaign, our Alumni network was automatically strengthened by facilitating interaction and involvement of activities with their Mother institute.
Accomplishments and motivation
Green Graduate
Students would be awarded with the title green graduate when they plant trees & nurture them. One star will be given on the final degree certificate if the graduate plants a single tree and nurtures and provides supporting documentary and photographic evidence during the course. 2 stars, 3 stars, 4 stars would be given accordingly to the number of trees planted and nurtured. The tree plant can be planted anywhere and nurtured entirely. Students achieving 5 stars or more will get a “Green Champion” credit on their transcript.
Green Ambassador (हरित दूत)
Students would be awarded with the title green graduate when they plant trees & nurture them. One star will be given on the final degree certificate if the graduate plants a single tree and nurtures and provides supporting documentary and photographic evidence during the course. 2 stars, 3 stars, 4 stars would be given accordingly to the number of trees planted and nurtured. The tree plant can be planted anywhere and nurtured entirely. Students achieving 5 stars or more will get a “Green Champion” credit on their transcript.
Evidence of Success
Till now, a total of 865 students have been enrolled for the initiative. The faculties are encouraged and involved in the initiative too. The instagram page of the drive is buzzing, and so far graduates from Kolhapur, Mumbai, Belgaum, Kharepatan, Pune, Konkan have shared their embarkation on the Green Graduate journey. More than 100 students have already planted a tree under the program, and this number is growing.
Problems Encountered and Resources Required
The Problems encountered during the campaign was availability of the location and plants which was tackled with maintaining the space and resources. Use of internet and technology help.
Notes (Optional)
Instagram page of Green graduate campaign was flooded by many INSTA-STARS who had sent the geo-tagged photos of planting the tree.