Female Reproductive System E-Module

 E- Module for Female Reproductive System

                                                    MBBS  E-Lectures
Sr. No. Department Name of Faculty  


1 Physiology Dr. Sunita Tiwale Rh Factor
2 Obgy. Dr. Hrishikesh Joshi Pregnancy in Rh Negative Mother
3 Obgy. Dr. Neelima Shah Ca Ovary
4 Obgy. Dr. Neelima Shah Carcinoma of Endometrium
5 Obgy. Dr. Hrishikesh Joshi Cytology-Screening Methods-Ca Cervix
6 Obgy. Dr. Hrishikesh Joshi Laparoscopy in Gynecology
7 Obgy. Dr. Neelima Shah Post Partum Haemorrage
8 Obgy. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss- Indian Scenario
9 Obgy. Dr. Neelima Shah Prolapse of Uterus
10 Obgy. Dr. Neelima Shah Pregnancy Induced Hypertension